Auto Shop Digital Marketing Services

Digital Marketing Services For Auto Shops

Our digital marketing services for auto shops is designed to fit the unique needs of the auto service business. Firstly, we understand that your business is all about relationships and so, we have to use digital marketing services that build trustworthiness and promote your expertise. You’ve worked countless hours and built many relationships to be where you are, it’s our job to spread that message. Our digital marketing services for auto shops is geared to generate sales in some way, shape, or form. We want new faces finding your site and requesting your services.

The goal is to put your business into the forefront of the buying journey. The more you are seen as an option for the auto services you provide, the more new customers will choose you. There are 4 main areas that Ground Floor Digital Solutions looks to cover. Together, these digital marketing services form a cohesive approach, ensuring your business thrives in the dynamic digital landscape. 


Web Design for Auto Shops

When we build your shop’s website there will be various forms of lead generation tools. We want every visit to your website to start the sales process. Contact forms, requests for service, and a booking calendar, are just some of the ways we generate sales opportunities for your auto shop. Check out our example site here.

Social Media Marketing for Auto Shops

At Ground Floor Digital Solutions we identify where your paying customers are online, and then focus our efforts on reaching them there. The social media aspect of our digital marketing services for auto shops is about building your brand by showing the people your great work. This way, all relevant users in your area know what you auto shop can do. Together we craft a social media strategy and schedule everything from photography, posts, reels, hashtags,and keywords. Then we add in the lead generation aspect and capture the user interaction of your profiles. Below are two examples of auto service businesses using social media to grow their brand.

SEO for Auto Shops

SEO is the most detailed aspect of what we do. Through content marketing from your website, social media, and link building our goal at Ground Floor Digital Solutions is to strengthen your domain authority. Just like our social media services, we start with a plan and a schedule, then we start to execute. It is important that our content is relevant and convertible so that one content idea can be used in multiple ways.

This post on facebook is an example of the type of content marketing we would produce for you. The destination of this post could be a blog post, a service specific landing page, or even a direct lead generation tool. Something like this could be used across multiple platforms and media types as well.

Digital Advertising for Auto Shops

Digital Advertising is used to help jumpstart your auto shop’s digital marketing efforts. We will use search ads locally to drive new traffic to your content and website. On social media we will use ads to boost engagement early and harness that power for non-paid content. The best part of digital advertising is that you can now set hard caps on how much you’re willing to spend. Which means you can get all of the value of advertising without needing a money printer. Together, these digital marketing services form a cohesive approach, ensuring your auto shop thrives in the dynamic digital landscape.

Auto Shop Digital marketing Campaigns

digital marketing services for auto shops

This is ideal for any shop looking to build their own digital profile. Currently your only digital marketing are reviews on various websites but no actual site or social media for the company. We help you by building a website, creating new socials and upgrading current ones, and then building you a content strategy to follow. We will also set you up with pre-made content that you can rollout over a period of time to help you maintain your digital foundation.

This is perfect for an auto service business that is ready to dominate their market. You have a website and some socials but need an injection of content to boost visibility and generate new business. We would come in and build out your digital profile monthly. We don’t do contracts but we expect a short campaign to last at least 6 months. 

auto shop digital marketing services

You hire us to be your marketing department. We set goals and benchmarks, then execute a plan of attack to achieve them. A long campaign would require a formal agreement but again, not a contract. 

Drop us a message and let's talk about your auto shop's needs

digital marketing agency

Call us: 647-525-6068